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Choose your pricing plan

  • 6 sessions

    Every month
    6 session payment plan
    Valid for 3 months
    • 6 healing sessions
  • 12 sessions

    Every month
    12 session payment plan
    Valid for 6 months
    • payment plan

      Every 2 weeks
      Valid for 4 weeks
      • access to self paced course
    • Energy Mastered

      Every month
      12 week program
      Valid for 3 months
      • Three Monthly Modules, with four, one-hour live classes
      • Office hours for Q & A
      • A private online forum to build connections.
      • Monthly expert guest
      • Homework: Practical tools and exercises.
    • 4 monthly payments

      Every month
      +$50 Administration fees
      four month payment plan
      Valid for 4 months
      • 2 payments

        Every 21 days
        +$30 additional fees chargesd by processors
        The Realized Empath Course
        Valid for 42 days
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